The Foundation
Founding Pastor
In Loving Memory
Elder Gyden Camp Jr
In 1973, in the town of Cedar Haven, Maryland a lady by the name of Clarice Johnson began to seek God through prayer for someone to minister to her and her children. God hearing her prayer, answered her prayer by preparing an Elder to make his way to her and her family to begin his ministry. In June of 1974 Elder Gyden Camp, Jr., Evangelist Evelyn Williams, and Evangelist Estel Owen, went to Cedar Haven to begin the great legacy which would become "The Glorious Church". In the early days of the church, services where held in the home on Deacon Moses Thompson. A godly man who opened his home to be used as a place of worship. It was there that Sister Clarice Johnson and her family, along with the Cotton family, began to hold service under the Pastoral-ship of Elder Gyden Camp, Jr. In 1983 Elder Camp was joined by his beloved wife and niece in ministry. During this time Elder Camp began to seek God for a name for their ministry, and while in prayer his 3 year old niece Latisha, spoke and said, why not call it "The Glorious Church?" Out of the mouth of a child, God gave Elder Camp the name of the church. As the ministry began to grow, the Lord blessed and allowed all the families to move from Cedar Haven Maryland, to Washington, DC. For a short time, they held services at Brother Paul and Loretta Washingtons house, until Bishop Hugh Gray opened up his church for them to hold services in 1990.